Dear Journal

Journal-February 24, 1980

February 24, 1980


Dear Journal,

If I had a Fairy Godmother, I would ask her for three wishes. I would wish that all the world was clean of trash, filth, bad thoughts and actions. I would wish for enough money to be happy, not spoiled. I would wish for Ben D. to love me and ask me to be his girlfriend. If I got one more wish I would wish for my mom to get a housekeeper who also cooks. I would like to make everyone be peaceful if I could do that. I would also really like to go with Ben D. Oh ya, and be prettier, and have my hair perfectly feathered every day. Oh, and I wish I was already 13!

Who I Love

I love my father and my mother. I love Beth and Lena. I love Maybelle my foster sister who is an Indian. I love my brother John. I love my baby sister Joy. I love Tina K., Julie B., and Carmen. I love Grandma Ella and Grandma Irene, and Grandpa Brad. I love Aunt Kay and Uncle Richard. I love Paula and Paul and Reed, Lorie, Jeanie, Ruthie, Aaron, David and all my cousins. I love my friends Eddie, Harvey, Joe, Keala, Elena, Roy, Derek, Rosie, Robbie and Anna. I love Sabrina, Mary A., Genie, Mari J, Cyndy J.,Carrie, Crystal, David and Russel. I love all my teachers and Mr. Bishop, and Mr. Grimshaw. I love Miss Kesler and Mr. O’Donnell. I sorta love Jamie when he isn’t annoying. Of course I love Ben D. I love lots more people but that would take too long to write that long a list!

I come from a nice family. They are also wonderful and funny. My daddy is handsome. He has blue eyes and black hair. He is kind, funny, nice and unique. I call him Daddy or Dad. He calls me Cyndi, Cynthia, Pumpkin, Kitty, and Cyndi Lou. I love my father very much. He is so kind with a sincere heart. He buys me things I need and helps with homework sometimes. I love him more than words can tell. When I need help he gives it to me. My daddy can be very funny and silly. My daddy makes us all laugh a lot. He always listens to my problems. My dad is very loyal too.

I Love my Parents

I feel mostly the same way about my mom, so I wont write that much. She is really pretty. She has brown eyes and red hair. More like auburn. She is happy and very busy taking care of us. She is usually nice. I like to call her Mom. She calls me Cynthia, Cyndi, Schniddy, Pumpkin and Sweetheart. She is a very good gardener. She is a very talented artist. My mom can sing really loud and has a deep voice. A deep alto? Her voice is super pretty. My mom makes great spaghetti. My mom is not silly, and rarely funny. That’s okay because there are lots of silly and funny people in my family. 

My parents always give me advice. My mom says to clean my room, eat my vegetables, and hurry up! You are making us late! She says I cannot play until my chores are done. She tells me to clean up my messes, and do my homework. Sometimes she forgets I have homework, so I don’t wait for her to remember or to tell me. She says, “It’s getting late! Go to bed!” Sometimes she hugs me. My daddy hugs me a lot! My dad asks me to feed the dogs, and empty the kitchen trash can. He asks me to feed my pony Ginger and to help weed the garden. He asks me to help gather vegetables or pick fruit from the orchard. He tells me to clean up after my pony Ginger. 




I remember being pretty happy as a kid, and my family always ate dinner together. I think that is so important. If you  cannot do dinner together, then do breakfast or weekends! It is very important to who they are and who they are becoming. It gives them a sense of belonging, and constancy. My sister Maybelle was from the American Indian tribe of the Navajo Indians. She was tiny and quiet. I remember that I had to share my clothes with her when she first arrived, and I did not like that. She didn’t either though. I have always had a huge heart and loved a lot of people.


February 28, 1980

Dear Journal,

More stuff about my family is that we do stuff together. Some stuff we do is go on picnics. In the winter we drive up to the mountains and go sledding and play in the snow. We planted a garden, and went on vacation. We had a vacation to Monterrey California and to Fort Ord. We went to the beach with the Whites in Zuma Beach and Santa Monica Beach. We read stories together. We do not have TV, so we do not do that together any more. When we lived in the city I would watch TV with my family. We watched Little House on the Prairie and The Walton’s. We watched the Donny and Marie Show and cartoons. So since we don’t have TV we sometimes do shows together. We sing and dance and tell jokes. We dress up with costumes. We are pretty great!

When Friends Come Over

I like when we have friends over so we play games like Fruit Basket, and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you don’t know how to play those games, I am sorry. I would have to write a lot to teach you how to play. But we like to play games! When we have friends over my mom gets happier. My brother gets annoying sometimes. I know I’m smart and intelligent and bright. Some times people who visit us can tell I am those things. My family can not see those things, because they are used to me. My mom mostly makes spaghetti when we have company.

Books and Stuff

I was going to write a list of books I have read, but there are too many! I got an award for student who read the most books in 3rd grade and in 5th grade. I read a lot of books. Sometimes I read a whole book on the bus between going to school and coming home, but that is around 4 and a half hours every day on the bus! My best subjects are Reading, Art and PE when we have to run the mile. I wish I didn’t have to learn science or social studies. I want to learn more about art. I usually have lots of homework. I know lots of stuff by heart. I know the Pledge of Allegiance, and the 13 articles of Faith. I know the National Anthem, and Come Come Ye Saints. I know I am a Child of God. I have a few TV commercials memorized like, “He won’t eat it, he hates everything. Hey Mikey He likes it!” I know the whole thing for Life Cereal, and Nair wears short shorts! I am trying to memorize the rest of the multiplication table. Yuck! 




Because we were isolated in the canyon, having friends over was a big deal. We made a celebration out of it. My mom cooked up a huge amount of pasta and we played games and laughed a lot together. Those are some of my favorite memories of growing up in the canyon.

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